Friday 5 July 2024

I Am Only Making One Post Again Today,

because I have literally been up all night, more of that later, 

the day started well and just got better, I had ordered some Venus fly trap plants from Ian who is known as carnivor_ian on eBay, he is located in Neath, Port Talbot, they arrived in record time, 

and what a treat as I opened the package, each plant individually wrapped with damp tissue around the roots and covered in cling film to keep the moisture in, and a really nice touch, each plant came with its own printed label,

naturally I wasted no time in making a total mess on the dining table whilst Diana was on early shift, so I had to work fast before she came home, first cover the table with a polyethene sheet, fill a pan of RO water, the pots and potting compost especially made for Venus fly traps, it has no nutrients in it at all, and it is all good to start,

the first plant unwrapped, pot place in the pan of RO water to soak the soil,

a hole made in the soil and the plant inserted, 

repeat 7 more times! this is the second plant, you should have seen the mess when I finished plant number 8!

and here they are joining some of the fly traps we already have, the first, 

and second tray in the living room,

and the single long tray in the kitchen, to say I am pleased with the plants supplied by Ian is a understatement, they were all just so nice, next clean up the dinning room table, and test with the help of Steph the buildings fire alarm, it is something we have to do every month, after which I took the buildings dustbins outside, it is my turn this week, then my daily exercises, 30 minutes of blood, sweat and tears, as usual, followed by a very late breakfast, then a shower and I was out, 

past the snail mail box, 

work continuing on the pavements,

in preparation for the installation of a mini roundabout at the park entrance, 

I walked into town,

and this is where I was headed, the polling station to cast my vote, 

civic duty done I walked back home to the park passing Foxgrove Lodge, 

the garden of flowers opposite had been cut down which is a shame as they looked so nice but on the plus side you can now see the Beckenham Place Park sign, Diana was at home and I made such a good job of clearing up all of the soil on the table she did not notice anything, until she saw the new plants on the window sill, after our evening meal and a Wicked Tuna I was out again, 

as the sun was setting, 

past the days work,

on the pavements, and that was where I was going, to work!

I was going to catch a 162 bus at the station, 

but when I checked the trains one was due to go to Bromley South, 

so I caught that, looking behind me at the station, 

an this is where I was going, 

Bromley Civic Centre, I was scheduled to start vote counting at 09.00 in the evening, and was going to work through the night, as it happens by 05.00AM the counting was finished, we (about 250 of us in the room I was in, plus one more bigger room), were thanked and told to go home and rest!

I was well at the back of the pack, hence the fuzzy photograph, as the Mayor of Bromley announced the results of our nights work,

out into the start of the day, 

and over the road to catch a train home,

alighting at Beckenham Junction over the new footbridge, to walk home, 

but the exit was locked closed, back over the footbridge, and take a longer walk home,

past O'Neil's,

and back into the park, I should mention that Diana had already left as she is on early shift today, so as it is now nearly 06.30 in the morning that is the reason I am only making one post today, as soon as I finish this I will be off to bed.

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