remove all the admittedly aged swings, slide and round about,
wait two years, then build them a wall! the Labour run town hall chiefs in Audenshaw had promised to replace the playground in Shepley Wood Park with brand-new facilities, but when the plug was pulled on government funding last year, the council was forced to think again, Eileen Pritchard, whose house overlooks the park, said: "We can’t believe what we’re seeing, everyone’s been asking ‘What is it?’ We’ve been on to the council and they’ve said it’s a wall to kick a ball against, the wall is right in the middle of the playground and all the kids are going to do is graffiti it and climb on it and then fall off and hurt themselves,"
but of course don't you see? this is not just any old wall, no it is a special wall, as councilor Kevin Welsh, from Tameside informed the residents "the wall – properly called a kick wall – is for youngsters to use for football practice," ah a kick wall, I see it now, but Eileen says she would have rather seen the cash spent elsewhere in the playground, 'there are two rotting goalposts and I think it would have been far better to replace those than build this wall," I have to say if the aim was to encourage football then maybe it would have been better to replace the goal posts, or leave the old playground in place till money was available for replacements.
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