Christopher Monckton, transport spokesman for the UK Independence Party' said: 'the proposals suggested by Commission take us into the realms of fantasy, they want to ban cars from cities, they want to force everybody onto rail and canals, it is if they have been taken over by the shade of the Victorian engineers,' Edmund King, the AA's president said: 'Drivers don't know whether they're coming or going with environmental measures, one minute they're supposed to be cutting CO2 and switch to diesel, the next they get pilloried and taxed for doing just that,'
the eurosceptic think-tank Open Europe criticised the plan: 'this goes to show the extent of the EU's ambitions to interfere in the UK's national affairs, banning all petrol-fuelled cars in city centres is an absolutely crazy idea and one that could only have come from unaccountable bureaucrats in the European Commission,' I for one agree, by 2050 petrol will be too expensive to buy - problem, solved!
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