lost a hand? I would have thought yes,

but after one phone call to Olivia's teacher benefits were stopped, as Sheryl said, 'She can't even catch a ball or ride a bike, I am outraged that the decision was made after someone from the DWP telephoned Olivia's teacher to find out what she could do, they don't see how long Olivia takes to get dressed in the morning and they don't see me having to put the toothpaste on her toothbrush,' the schoolgirl said: 'Life can be hard with my false leg, it can hurt me quite a bit too, it aches and I have to take it off', Olivia sobbed: 'I would be really upset if we couldn't go on our days out and holidays, I like going to Centre Parcs, especially when we go swimming,' an example of how uncompassionate the Department of Work and Pensions can be, I some times wonder how some people can sleep at night knowing what havoc they can make on a young ladies life.
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