yes our European masters have stuck again, they have firmly told Great Britain that the scheme can not go ahead, why? I hear you ask, because of algae, a rare form of algae called Maerl is growing off the docks in Falmouth, Cornwall – but it cannot be moved or tampered with because the site is listed as a Special Area of Conservation, I am all for conservation but really why do our masters in Europe interfere with every thing we do in the United Kingdom, do you really feel that our European partners would take notice of such a ruling - I doubt it!
in case you believe the lies spread by our masters take this into account, Maerl has traditionally been harvested on a small scale in Europe by dredging, small scale? 600,000 tonnes of maerl per annum was dredged in the 1970s in France alone, in the UK up to 30,000 tonnes p. a. of maerl were harvested commercially from 1975 to 1991, good job the harvest was not on a big scale! well our masters know best, hard luck Falmouth and your unemployed!
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