so straight on with the blog,
first stop to the garage, yes the lady was correct, the paint under the Frontier sticker was 'not beautiful' as she said, the sun had cracked the sticker and removing it would only damage the paint, so one resprayed tailgate, 2,000 baht call back at 5 o'clock in the afternoon,
arriving home the first pot as you walk into our house with the bulbs in has nearly all of the flower stems in flower,
the two bougainvillea are looking nice,
as are the hibiscus, both the yellow
and the white,
the sunflowers are also getting bigger by the day, it must be all the rain we are having,
last week when we were buying the last two hibiscus we noticed there were some plants that had dark red large flowers, so we popped back to the market to buy one of them,
so many plants to buy but we have such a small garden,
these orchids looked nice, 40 baht each or 3 for 100 baht, bargain!
as a last resort cactus, pretty much impossible to kill except if you over water them,
the selection of plants here just goes on and on,
now this is when I wish I had a fish pond, this gorgeous water lily flower is about 8 or 9 inches across,
there were of course lots of other varieties available,
like last week today was dry, so there were a lot more stalls here today,
hibiscus at last, we decided that as well as buying a large red flowering one we would buy a large yellow one as well,
a little bit more expensive than the smaller flowering ones these were 100 baht each,
then on to the stall that sold the red ones,
again 100 baht, but you can see how large the flowers are, the tricky part is getting them home on the bike with out damaging them,
just as we arrived home Anchisa called in to say Hi and drop off a present for Riza as she and Mike were calling round later,
well the magic hour had arrived so off to the garage by motor bike taxi, whilst the one that brought me home made Speedy Gonzales look slow the one taking me to the garage was being over taken by cyclists! but I arrived there in the end, the back of the truck looked fine, also it had been cleaned, now ll I have to do is drive it home with out being rear ended again!
if you need any body work done to your car or truck this is the place,
just at the top of Pattaya Central on Sumkivitt, next to the garage that has those really nice expensive cars in the window,
by the time I arrived home Mike, Riza and Mabel had arrived, the girls took over the downstairs so Mike and myself retired to the peace and quiet upstairs, after a few hours of tea and chatting it was time for them to leave with Riza saying a big 'Thank you' for all of her presents,
Juu very kindly gave us a lift home, with Diana looking as lovely as ever we locked the front gate and settled down to watch a film, as it happened as I switched the television on a film had just started, so we watched that,
all was well for about an hour or slightly more, then as usual some one at the cable company hit the wrong button and this is what was on the screen, sound but no picture just what you see above, still it makes a change, normally what happens is that the technician who changes the CD's (yes the cable company still uses CD's), forgets what to do next, so you see the first two CD's of a three CD film, he then puts the third CD in, but of a completely different film! I kid you not, so you have seen part one and two of Zulu followed by part three of Mary Poppins, really, well we can take a hint so for us we were off to bed.
just dig a hole and drop one in,

we had arranged to meet Russ who is over from the States in Champions, just as we arrived Brian followed us in along with Rick shortly after that, so we all settled down to a few drinks and caught up with what Russ had been doing over the past couple of years, next Slim Jim called by, it was starting to be quiet a party! but after 1 or so in the morning we all started to make our way to our separate homes, a great time was had by all,
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