Saturday 18 June 2011

Shorts Like These Are Banned In The UK!

Health & Safety strike again,

gardeners working for a West Yorkshire council have been told they can’t wear shorts at work like these this summer because of concerns over “health and safety”, officials at Calderdale Council in Halifax say gardeners wanting to wear shorts on a hot day will need to ask for special permission from a manager, Council official Andrew Pitts said the authority took health and safety seriously and advised all such staff to wear trousers,

then the voice of common sense from Nick Yates, managing director of Kershaw’s Garden Centre in Brighouse, and a former councillor, said gardeners needed to wear protective clothing at times - such as when spraying chemicals - but a blanket ruling was over-protective, He said: 'there are lots of jobs gardeners can do in shorts and you take precautions where necessary', yes Nick but rules are rules and since when did common sense and council's go hand in glove?

speaking of common sense and councils, what this lad above is doing will land him with a £500 fine, well may be his parents will pay it for him rather than have him prosecuted, his crime? going for a holiday on award-winning beaches in East Yorkshire and flying a kite, East Riding Council has introduced £500 fines to people flying kites on beaches, the new health and safety bylaws cover Bridlington's north and south beaches, Hornsea, Withernsea and Hessle's foreshore, Withernsea town councillor Terry Render said: 'I have never heard of anything so ridiculous in my life and it does not help us when we are trying to attract more visitors to Withernsea',

Mr Render said he could not recall one accident involving a kite on Withernsea's beach in the last 60 years, he said: 'I can't understand banning children's kite flying – it is like saying you can come to the beach but you can't enjoy yourself,' the bylaws will be enforced by East Riding Council foreshores officers in conjunction with Humberside Police, the council said it adopted the seaside and promenade bylaws after consulting with interested parties, a spokesman said: 'they are national, model bylaws and, therefore, the ability to influence the content locally is extremely limited', so that's alright then! the law was meant to ban kite operated buggies and sail kites, but as usual a council used sledge hammer to a crack a peanut.

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