Wednesday 29 June 2011

‘They May Be Free Of Calories But Not Of Consequences.’

a great quote, but who was talking about what?
many times whilst chatting with friends I have mentioned how so called low calorie drinks, especially those containing the sweetener aspartame, can actually make you fatter, well for some who thought I was joking here are the results of an over 9 year study,

Professor Hazuda tracked the health and habits of 474 adults for an average of nine and a half years, She then compared the growth in waistline of those who consumed diet drinks with the others, including some who only buy regular fizzy drinks, overall, those who favoured diet drinks saw their waists expand 70 per cent faster, those who downed two or more diet fizzy drinks a day saw their waistbands expand at five times the rate of those who never touched the stuff a diabetes conference heard,

a second study, involving some of the same researchers and carried out on mice, linked sweetener aspartame with the sort of damage in the pancreas that can occur early in diabetes, Professor Hazuda said that her study was the fourth large-scale piece of research to link diet drinks with ill health, in conclusion with pot bellies being blamed for ills from heart disease to diabetes and cancer, the researchers said: ‘These results suggest that amidst the national drive to reduce chronic consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks, policies that would promote the consumption of diet soft drinks may have unintended deleterious side-effects,’ trouble is they taste so nice!


Anonymous said...

Finally, someone else who realises the dangers of Aspartame. I have been saying for years that it's a lot worse than sugar but people look at me like I'm some kind of fruit loop. Aspartame is made of 3 components, 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methanol (wood alcohol). In the body methanol breaks down into formaldehyde (embalming fluid) and formic acid. Pilots are instructed not to take artificially sweetened drinks before they fly. It's a neuro toxin. Have sugar instead and if you're concerned about your teeth and weight, brush your teeth afterwards and everything in moderation. Anyway, how are you Stan, you and Diana look well from your photos, which I look at most days, and I can see you're having fun. All the best - Alan.

PattayaStan said...

Dear Alan, I sorry I have not replied before but the blogspot site has been down, I for one have stopped drinking coke zero, as I am typing this I have a glass of soda by my side, I just hope the waist line goes down! good to hear from you, Diana and myself are fine, got to go now as I have two days of blogs to catch up on, best regards, Stan and Diana.