Saturday 5 December 2015

This Is In The 'What Is It?' Department,

'it' has the potential to save food from going to waste,

for the over 1 billion people around the world that do not have electricity but could do with a refrigerator to make food last longer, we have all heard of wind chill and that is what this unit takes advantage of, by burying some of the pipework underground and using a solar powered fan cool air is blown in to the cooler box, it is the brainchild of a team of students from the University of Calgary in Canada and called the Wind Chill Food Preservation Unit, not surprisingly the team won the recent Biomimicry Global Design Challenge in the student category that requires entrants to develop ecofriendly solutions for helping support a healthy planet, it looks a little Heath Robinson at this stage - but it works, hopefully it will receive funding to take it to the next stage.

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