Tuesday 8 August 2023

First Thing Diana Was Off To Work,

I had a quiet morning,

 I noticed one of our orchids was in flower,

5 or so blooms on one stem,

all just opening today,

at midday as arrange the drain cleaning crew arrived from L & A Drainage, a few days ago Matt noticed one of the drains overflowing as well as the drain at the front of the building, 

so a call was made, meet Bayran and Garry, the drain cleaning crew,
who in the back of their van had all manner of cleaning equipment, including this fearsome machine that delivered high pressure water, as well a huge assortment of plungers, scrapers and probes all with rods that were able to be attached to them to make them longer,

first up with one of the manhole covers, 

it was not this one,

but this one, strangely enough away from what I thought would have been the natural flow to the road,

the flow from the blocked drain now established, a high pressure jet was inserted into the pipework,

a quick pose from Bayran,

then back to work, the blockage cleared, 

and a quick clean up of the overflow,

whilst here it was noticed that another drain in the corner was in a bad state, 

so cleaning began on that, 

this one was using the first manhole cover removed,

a high pressure hose was inserted, and fed in for quite some distance,

having cleaned that the hosepipe was removed,

cleaning it on the way out,

on to the next drain, the inspection cover opened and inspected,

now it was the turn of the drain that floods at the entrance to the building,

it was so full of mud,

bucketful's of it,

the soakaway was found,

Bayran cleaned it with all manner of probes, then lifted the mud out, right up to his armpits, 

until it was a clear as it could be, the unfortunate fact is that it appears the soakaway is so full that rainwater cannot drain away, I will take a photograph of the next time it overflows, if it does and then a decision will have to be made about having the old soakaway cleared, a major dig up the entrance job,

a last hose down and onwards,

to the two drains outside number 5, 

both of which needed a thorough cleaning, on to the rear of the building, of the 7 or so drains there 5 were found to be fine, but 2 needed a high pressure clean, as did one more at the front of the building, but this one was blocked with plant roots growing inside of the drain, in the late afternoon all was done,

 so a big 'Well Done' to Bayran and Garry, if you need a drain cleaning or similar service they can be found here where you can send a message, or call 07902 514205, during the afternoon Diana arrived home, we were soon having our evening meal, 

after which it was feet up for Aussie Gold Diggers, followed by 1 hour of Battlebots before we rounded off the evening with an Endeavour before we were off to bed.

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