Wednesday 16 August 2023

Wednesday, I Am Only Making One Post Today,

as soon as I have posted it,

both Diana, as it is her day off and myself will be out to visit Duncan, back to Tuesday, Diana was at work so I started playing with a few videos I made 30+ years ago, Neil accompanied me to India looking for new species of fish, there we meet with Aneil who was our our guide, as soon as we boarded our internal flight we did not see another white person in the nearly 2,000 miles we travelled overland in both a jeep and a canoe, we toured the rivers in Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh, looking for new species of fish that could be of use in the aquatic trade,

and here is a short part of our trip, as with many trips like this the first place we looked was the local market, you never know what the local fishermen will find, the fish were both big and small, some very much alive! it is fair to say the locals did not know what to make of us, we visited a local blacksmith, I could not help but think that I hoped the heads of the hammers were firmly attached to the shafts! we then passed a fisherlady using a drop net, as we took a boat to explore further up river, as it happens looking at the short video, I kept it short so it would be easy to post, I think over the next few weeks when I have time I will continue our journey, looking at it brings back so many memories, I should say the quality is not as good as the cameras that are now available would have been, but for its time the video looked quite good, after playing with the video Diana arrived home, so a couple of quiz shows, after our evening meal a Simpsons and a Aussie Gold Hunters, they mostly make it look so easy, I wonder how many go to the gold fields and fail? we rounded off the evening with 2 Midsomer Murders back to back before we were off to bed.

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