Monday 7 August 2023

Sunday Has Raced Around Again,

before our Sunday lunch we decided on a walk to the farmers market,

in the park so glad rags on,

we passed the snail mail box, 

my turn for a pose,

through the gates that keep cars from entering,

the wild life part of the park newly planted a few years ago growing well,

in the distance a few people outside the rear of the mansion on the tables and benches that are there,

looking across what was once a part of the golf course, 

we were soon near the mansion,

the first stall as usual was Wise Choice Flowers and Plants, 

they had a couple of tents,

lots of sunflowers,

and potted plants,

at the front of the display,

 some dried flowers,

unfortunately the stall that sells cheesecakes that Diana bought last time was not here this week,

so we made our way to the café, 

past the fresh bread stall, which had the most unusual loaf, 

made of organic charcoal, it must taste the same as the toast I make myself occasionally!

we walked to the side of the mansion,

I snagged one of the tables we had seen on our way here, whilst Diana grabbed a coffee, 

our view from our table,

Diana soon arrived back with her coffee,


a panorama from our table,

looking to the north rain clouds seemed to be rolling in,

drinks finished we made a move for home,

as the first few drops of rain started to fall,

thankfully the rain held off until we were inside,

today we had a huge, nearly 3 kilogram joint of beef, so plenty for sandwiches and stews over the next few weeks.

time for a sherry and a read,

before tucking into mussels in a white wine sauce,

followed by roast beef, with gravy for Diana sans gravy for myself, it was after taking the photograph that Diana remembered the potatoes were still in the oven!

eyes down and tuck in,

for desert a cherry pie and cream, 

delicious, after which it was feet up for a couple of Columbo's, in the evening after a beef sandwich,

 it was time for Jurassic World, which was great fun, we rounded of the evening with a Midsomer Murder, after which Diana went to bed, another early start tomorrow, I stayed up a little longer for a Have I Got More News For you, after which I too was off to bed.

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