Thursday 24 August 2023

First Thing On Wednesday,

I was out to visit Duncan,

into a bright warm day,

I was soon passing Peter Pan's Pool,

and entering Catford,

a not very glamorous view of the Catford cat,

the traders in Lewisham market up and running,

but I was a tad too early for the florists to be open,

in plenty of time for my train at 09.31 and the good news no stopping and changing at Dartford,

a train had just left London bound full of commuters,

arriving in Gravesend it was so hot,

I was soon off of the bus and walking towards the nursing home where Duncan lives,

the trees now full of foliage, Duncan was his usual self, this week Diana had bought him a box of Milk Tray chocolates and some huge cherries, we chatted away for a couple of hours, putting the world to rights, just before his lunch arrived we said our goodbyes and I left,

outside it was a baking day, not that I am moaning!

a bit of a wait for the 12.34 to take me to Blackheath,

and there it was on platform 0,

in about an hour I arrived at Blackheath, the florists now open,

with a nice display of potted plants, 

and cards, 

I was soon on the number 54 bus which came to a shuddering halt outside of Lewisham, a huge traffic hold up, all caused by so many buses in the road that cars are not allowed on!

passing the never ending building work on this building,

the Catford cat, 

the bee garden on this building looking a tad bare,

on this bus shelter, 

the plants desperately need a drink,

off of the bus and a walk past some of the homes in the park, Diana had already arrived home so after our evening meal it was time for a couple from Midsomer Murder, we had an early night as Diana is on early shift tomorrow, so with that we were off to bed.

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