Tuesday 25 March 2014

Save The World!

plant a tree,

but you will have a bit of a wait if you want to see it get to the size of this one, Steve Sillett of Humboldt State University and his colleagues has confirmed that the President pictured above, ranks number two among all big trees that have ever been measured—and Sillett’s team has measured quite a few, so with harnesses and helmets, up they went, 

they measured the trunk at different heights; they measured limbs, branches, and burls; they counted cones; they took core samples using a sterilised borer, then they fed the numbers through mathematical models informed by additional data from other giant sequoias, that’s how they came to know that the President contains at least 54,000 cubic feet of wood and bark, and that’s how they detected that the old beast was at about the age of 3,200 years, well I said you would have to wait a while, but this is the great bit, despite it's age it is still growing quickly,

the tree lives in Sequoia National Park, southern Sierra Nevada east of Visalia, California, which was established in 1890 if you want to have your picture taken with it, from little acorns mighty oaks do grow as the saying goes.

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