Friday, 15 April 2016


to me!

 yes 66 years ago on April 14th the world was blessed (cursed) with me, many thanks to everyone for your best wishes and congratulations, now on to the post, a couple of the cactus decided to put on a show,

 two similar looking ones,

 with no discernable spines,

 but similar flowers,

 it is just a shame the flowers only last a day,

 one of Diana's stinky cactus also flowered,

 in the afternoon Mr. Tony called round with a present,

 then we were off to Tesco Lotus,

 for a birthday treat to MK Restaurant on the upper floor,

 we were joined by Brian, Sa and Nikky, 

 just as the meal got underway the staff did their usual dance,

 which Nikky thought was nice,

 we had not seen him for some time,

 and yes I am going to say it, don't they grow up quick!

 then the party started,

 and it was time to pose,

 to a chorus of the birthday song,

 I still can not get over it, 66 years old, it only seems like yesterday I was 65,

the staff at MK were great, they even took a picture of us all in a presentation frame of the event,

 and a birthday cake, 

 well ice cream,

 and we all know who is going to eat it!

 but first,

 blow out the candle,

 then tuck in,

 what a great party,

 then it was time to say our goodbyes, Mr. Tony kindly dropped us off, and after a few cool drinks left to go home, then it was feet up for a few Judge Judy's and we were off to bed.

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