a fractal,
it's the one-word answer to whether mathematics can be beautiful, originally created by Benoit Mandelbrot in 1980, the fractal
is a visual representation of a simple equation: Z new=Z old 2+C, the "C" value must lie within Mandelbrot's set,
numbers that have both a real and imaginary component.
Bowdoin College's web programmer David Francis explains it
When you zoom in on a piece of the Mandelbrot set, you
realize that that piece contains, and consists of, another Mandelbrot set. Zoom
in again, and you see that that piece also contains and consists of another
Mandelbrot set. Zoom in again. Same thing. In fact, you can zoom in forever and
you will always see more Mandelbrot sets!
The Mandelbrot set doesn't iterate over these simple
numbers. Instead it iterates over complex numbers.
Complex numbers come in two parts: a real part and an
imaginary part. The real part is easy to grasp. They are regular numbers that
you know and love: 1, 0, -5, 4.534343, 232423432.4787865, -0.0000000000002,
etc. The imaginary part of a complex number is a real number (like above)
multiplied by a unique little number called i.
and this is what it looks like as a GIF,
but if you want to really see the equation at work grab at least 2 cups of coffee and watch the video, but be warned it is long, very long as the pattern is infinitely variable and never ending.
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