Monday 18 May 2020

Keeping To A Bird Theme,

there is no such thing as a blue bird,

 as it happens blue cannot be found in nature very often, and certainly not in birds, photograph ©  © there are only a few animals that are naturally blue in color, as to why? there are a lot of reasons why blue animals are so rare in nature, the colors of some animals depend on what they eat, the pigments on their skin, fur, or feathers all depend on what they consume, also most of the time that we see blue in the natural world it is reflected light, Smithsonian Insider asked Scott Sillett, a wildlife biologist at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, “Red and yellow feathers get their color from actual pigments, called carotenoids, that are in the foods birds eat,” Sillett explains. “Blue is different―no bird species can make blue from pigments. The color blue that we see on a bird is created by the way light waves interact with the feathers and their arrangement of protein molecules, called keratin. In other words, blue is a structural color. Different keratin structures reflect light in subtly different ways to produce different shades of what our eyes perceive as the color blue. A blue feather under ultraviolet light might look uniformly gray to human eyes.” for a much fuller explanation have a look at a full list of reasons on Brightside, no such thing as a blue bird? amazing!

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