Sunday, 26 November 2017

It Never Ceases To Amaze Me,

how big the market is for KitKats in Japan,

I have almost lost count of the number of times we have posted about the number of different varieties of them, well here are a few more, firstly the KitKat Gotochi West Japan Assort Set, featuring 12 pieces of mini KitKat in 5 different flavours,
3 pieces of KitKat Matcha Green Tea
2 pieces of KitKat Purple Sweet Potato
3 pieces of KitKat Roasted Green Tea (Houjicha)
2 pieces of KitKat Amaou Strawberry
2 pieces of KitKat Hiroshima Momiji Manju

 and naturally there is the KitKat Gotochi East Japan Assort Set which features 12 pieces of mini KitKat in 5 different flavors, to compliment the West,
 3 pieces of KitKat Shinshu Apple
2 pieces of KitKat Nagoya Red Bean Sandwich
3 pieces of KitKat Wasabi
2 pieces of KitKat Tokyo Rum Raisin
2 pieces of KitKat Yokohama Strawberry Cheesecake 

there is also a return of an old favourite, the popular Momoji Manju flavour is back, this is a collaboration of Nestle and Takatsudo, the original creator of the Momiji Manju, and if you wonder what to expect from the KitKat Momiji Manjut, it is baked red bean cakes shaped like maple leaves, the red bean paste is baked into the wafers, and the manju flavor can be found inside the white chocolate mix,

and finally KitKat Everyday Luxury, Chocolate, Berry and Almond, inspired by the premium Moleson line at the Chocolatory stores in Japan, this bag offers a cheaper alternative for those who want to enjoy the delicious combination of KitKat embedded with dried berries and almond, this Japanese limited edition comes in a bag of 15 (or 16) yummy mini KitKats, all of these delicious treats brought to you by Nestle Japan, and no I am not on commission, but I would like to see a pack of each under our Christmas tree!

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