Tuesday 15 November 2022

Is The Photograph Of A Small Dog,

or a big rabbit?

photograph Stamatisclan/Wikimedia Commons, it is actually a big rabbit, the breed known as the Flemish Giant is by far the largest rabbit breed in the world, weighing in at more than 10 kilograms (22 lbs), it is a big rabbit! originally breed for its fur and meat, the Flemish Giant eventually became a show breed, due to its high bone-to-meat ratio, the world’s largest Flemish Giant weighs in at 49 lb (22 kg) and measures 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in), the breed started in Flanders, Belgium, but is now bred worldwide, as you might expect the Flemish Giant, the “king of rabbits”, requires substantial living quarters, as well as large quantities of food compared to other breeds of domesticated rabbits,

in case you may think the photograph is a fake, here are a couple of videos of the bred, as it happens the Flemish Giant is a very old breed of domesticated rabbit that can be traced back to the 16th century. It is believed to have descended from a number of meat and fur breeds, including the Steenkonijnor Belgian Stone Rabbit,

 today, it is still bred for its meat and fur, but it is more popular as a companion, if treated correctly, these gentle giants are very docile even around small children, as far as rabbits are concerned, I have mentioned my uncle Harry before, he bred rabbits for the table and for show, when I was a young boy every Christmas morning I would wake up with a new baby Thumper, as I would call him by the side of my bed, all year long he would grow, then just before Christmas that Mum, Dad and myself would spend with Uncle Harry and Auntie Rose in Chatham, Thumper somehow disappeared, it took me years to understand why Mum would never eat any meat at Christmas lunch.

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