Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
We Had A Quiet Day,
but a few friends called round for a cup of tea and a chat,
first to call in was Alex, he had just dropped the kids off at school,
then we had a telephone call, after failing miserably to buy some DVD cases we had ordered some from a stall in the TukCom Center, this is the place where state of the art electronics and computers can be purchased in Pattya Tai, the hi tech building behind me, we ordered yesterday some from another stall, imagine my surprise when just one day later I received a call to say they had arrived, so off we went, exactly what we had ordered at the price stated, great result,
later in the afternoon, Jay and Percil called in, so Jay and myself popped upstairs for a few cups of tea whilst we chatted, whilst the girls watched a few horror DVDs downstairs,
after they left we watched a few DVDs in the evening, the first Glory at Sea, although the version we had used the original title, Gift Horse, the military mission in the film is based on the real World War II raid on St. Nazaire by HMS Campbeltown in a campaign known as Operation Chariot,but in the film the Captain had more than a few problems before the attack,
Peter Ustinov narrated and acted as anchor man in the drama/documentary The Secret Identity of Jack the Ripper, a panel of specialists in the criminal and justice world were brought together to look at the evidence as to who Jack the Ripper really was, surprisingly all agreed on one suspect, I will not spoil it in case you want to watch the DVD!
then the first of two raves from the grave, the 1970's series Are You Being Served?,more than a bit dated it is still so funny, for anyone that has not seen it, this quintessentially British sitcom is about Grace Brothers, a department store in London which is owned and kept traditional, almost pre-war (e.g. precise dress code for ladies frills and gentlemen's hats according to rank), by two brothers who look old enough to have fought in the Boer war but rarely appear, we watched a couple of episodes,
followed by another series that started in the 1970's Porridge, Norman Stanley Fletcher is doing five years for breaking and entering, he's quick witted and never short of a trick or two to make his life that little bit easier, another great comedy, in case you are wondering in the UK porridge in this context means doing bird, ah, doing bird means time inside prison, as an aside the BBC production team had planned to film Porridge in a real prison, however before filming began the Home Office refused, the BBC improvised, they used the Main Gate House, of former St Albans Prison, Victoria Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire as the main gate of "Slade Prison", Slade Prison's metal walkways and communal area were filmed in a large metal tank at Elstree Studios, external scenes at "Slade" (e.g. the rooftop strike, exercise ground) were filmed at various London psychiatric hospitals,
to round off the evening MI5, episode #5.9, Adam Carter finds himself hunting for a onetime friend, Richard Dempsey, when Harry Pearce orders the man assassinated, Dempsey was once an agent but apparently went over to the other side during the Bosnian war, He was present when Adam was captured and brutally tortured and since has become an assassin, when Adam finally catches up to him, he has a different story to tell, sending them all off in a completely direction, then for us off to bed.
Mocha Joe
Hi Stan, great blog as ever.
A question ... I don't think I have ever seen an Ambulance in Pattaya. Which is incredible seeing the amount of people here.
What would happen in an emergency? i.e. a bad motorcycle accident or someone taken ill?
Dear Mocha Joe, all of the hospitals have ambulances, so a call to one of them and one will be sent, but what normally happens is that the police are called along with a team of volunteers called the Sawang Boriboon Foundation, the helpers gain merit from their actions, not only in attending accidents and helping the injured on the spot and taking them to hospital, they also take part in raising funds for victims of natural disasters in Thailand, like floods or famine, best regards, Stan and Diana.
Hi Stan, great blog as ever.
A question ... I don't think I have ever seen an Ambulance in Pattaya. Which is incredible seeing the amount of people here.
What would happen in an emergency? i.e. a bad motorcycle accident or someone taken ill?
Dear Mocha Joe, all of the hospitals have ambulances, so a call to one of them and one will be sent, but what normally happens is that the police are called along with a team of volunteers called the Sawang Boriboon Foundation, the helpers gain merit from their actions, not only in attending accidents and helping the injured on the spot and taking them to hospital, they also take part in raising funds for victims of natural disasters in Thailand, like floods or famine, best regards, Stan and Diana.
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