Some pictures of Diana and Myself, where we now live and places around us, things that we find interesting, amusing or just plain weird!
Saturday, 16 July 2011
We Popped Over To see Juu Today,
outside his house is this large lake,
that was packed with fish,
every day or so he feeds the fish with some pellets he brings with him,
there are so many fish here like these pacu, Colossoma macropomum,
not a native of Asia they originate in South America and can reach 30 kilograms in size,
the pellets Juu was throwing to the fish also attracted some terrapins,
so it was a bit of a tussel to see who ate the pellets,
there were more than a few terrapins in the pond,
this pacu has just eaten a few pellets, it weighs I guess about 6-8 kilos,
I should point out that fishing is not allowed here,
then another turtle appears,
below the pacu is the orange of a koi carp that some one has put in here, there were about 6 koi in the pool,
we watched a couple of DVDs when we arrived back at 388, I also popped over to have a cup of tea or two with Mark at his house, then it was off to the Friday night market, the skies looked a bit overcast, but the rain held off,
new clothes for sale opposite the bar,
a few new shops have opened up in the pet section, but no new shops selling fish,
today and tomorrow are Buddhist holidays, I guess that is why so many stall holders did not arrive,
but the food stalls were all here,
all that boiling oil, but at least you know the chicken is freshly cooked!
not many at the bar today as the sale of alcohol is prohibited on Buddha Days,
whilst there Bill arrived just as Diana returned from buying some fresh fruit, Juu and his wife called by as well, so after a soda and a chat we made a move back to 388,
in the afternoon we watched In The Wild - The Galapagos Mystery With Richard Dreyfuss, verdict, very poor, after 3 weeks of filming there was about ten minuets of watchable television from a nature point of view, it was not until over 60% of the movie was over did we ever learn on what of the 15 main islands, 3 smaller islands, and 107 rocks and islets we were on, it was almost like that information was a national secret! another small point Dreyfuss makes more than a few mentions of the book The Origin of Species, in it Darwin makes many mentions of how not only tortoises but finches varied form one population to another, no mention of this fact in the DVD,
then to a much better informed DVD, The Zulu Wars 1879, it featured battle reconstructions of the British wars with the Zulu's of South Africa, including, with help from the film "Zulu Dawn" and 3D battle maps, the massacre at Isandlwana and the battle of Rorkes Drift, very informative and full of facts, the DVD is from The History Of Warfare series, if you like this sort of thing have a look at the Pegasus Entertainment site,
after our evening meal, Alligator, Ramon the alligator is flushed down the toilet as a baby, the rest as they say is history, well the people that go into the sewers are!
another 3 or 4 episodes of Are You Being Served? the strange thing is back in the 1950's, 60's, there were so many stores like this, the one that sticks in my mind was Grants in Croydon High Street, I spent many hours looking around it in my youth,
I remembered watching one episode of Masada when it was aired as a mini series when I was in the UK and have always wanted to watch the whole series, well tonight I made a start, at nearly 7 hours long it was going to take a few views! in AD 73 and after the destruction of the Second Temple, 900 Jewish zealots held out against a 5000 man Roman legion on the mountaintop fortress of Masada, it is based on historical fact, today it is one of the Jewish people's greatest symbols, we watched the first part, absolutely enthralling, then for us off to bed.
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