Sunday, 19 January 2025

I Am Guessing,

it is a face only a mother could love!

photograph Nguyen Thanh Son, it is a of giant isopod found in the seas off of Vietnam, named Bathynomus vaderi, it was named after Darth Vader, as the scientists from Singapore, Indonesia, and Vietnam saw a resemblance between its head and Vader's famous helmet, it should be mentioned that giant isopods are a popular source of meat in East Asia, so there are plenty of examples at local fish markets, like this one,

photograph by Peter Ng, of Nguyen Thanh Son holding a giant specimen of another species of giant isopod found in Vietnam (Bathynomus jamesi) that weighed 2.62 kg [5.7 pounds] from a seafood market in Hanoi, October 2024, also we mentioned this one,
photograph of the Deep-Sea Giant Isopod (Bathynomus giganteus), back in May 2023, the post is here,

photographs Ramen Boy/Facebook, the isopod arrives on your plate looking like this, the Taipei-based restaurant, Ramen Boy, describes as a “dream ingredient”, called “Giant isopod with creamy chicken broth ramen”, the dish consists of a large bowl of ramen and a large isopod steamed in its own shell,

to prepare the deep-sea crustacean, the cooks remove the stomach viscera, keeping the creamy glands for consumption, and steam it. The white meat is said to taste like lobster and crab, while the yellow glands are “unexpectedly sweet”, and the good news we now know the Latin name of the one you may be eating!

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