Saturday 25 February 2023

Into Another Grey Day,

a walk past the snail mail box,

on my way to the number 54 bus stop,

arriving at the stop I had a closer looking into the window of This 'N' That,

as a light was on,

past the café that makes delicious sandwiches that I have for my lunch, after work I stopped off at Lidl,


spring flowers for sale,

as well as indoor bulbs,

and a nice show of flowers,

by the time I had finished and was walking home, it was just starting to get dark,

as I was late and meeting Steve in the evening I decided against a read, so 'Cheers!', with a wine,

whilst in Lidl I bought a Chinese chicken curry, which was rather nice,

as soon as I finished that I was out to the club to meet Steve, past the tennis courts,

to the club house, which for us was unfortunately packed, the empty room is the games room, but in the bar there was barely a place to stand, so on to plan 'B' a telephone call to Steve and we decided to call into our home, out with the beers, feet up to watch,

Clarkson's Farm series 2, during the first episode we started to watch Diana arrived home, so we all watched 3 more episodes, they were just so entertaining, after which we said our farewells to Steve and we were off to bed.

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