Saturday 17 August 2019

I Walked With Diana To The Bus Stop Again Today,

but this time I was going to Bromley,

to exchange the CO2 cylinder for my daily liter of soda water, I drink it every morning as I type the blog before coffee, I alighted at the Glades,

and made my way past the newly installed flower beds, 

this one just opposite Gerry's where we bought the curtains for the flat,

one of the places I was going to call into in the distance, Lidl for some pumpernickel,

the street traders have their stalls out already,

then I could not believe my eyes, I remember 45 years ago just after the Churchill Theatre was finished, the tiles on the front of the building began a reign of terror falling on the unsuspecting public (3.2), so in an extremely expensive, (and embarrassing) immediate repair at the time the tiles instead of being glued were screwed into the building, in a repair to the brand new building that would last a lifetime, well the lifetime is up, £427,000 will give the tiles a temporary fix as they are now falling off, again! and the permanent fix is? £6.5 million, so here is an idea, to stop the same thing happening in the future, why not remove the tiles and just paint the building grey? glad it is not my money, no wait a second I pay rates to Bromley, it is my money!

shopping done, 

I made my way past the sweet shop,

and past more street salls,

to the market square,

to Lakeland where I exchanged the CO2 cylinder,
returning home I passed the grass verge,

that one of the local residents has made into a small flower garden, in the afternoon I just watched television, the recent part extraction of a tooth was painful and really made me want to do nothing,

but in the evening I was out, to meet up with Steve at the entrance to the park, and wished him a Happy Birthday,

we walked around the corner,

to the bus stop by the Italian restaurant, for a bus to the Moon and Stars in Penge, where we chatted the night away,

after getting off the bus we said our farewells and I walked home, then feet up, a nightcap and we were off to bed.

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