Saturday 24 August 2019

Poop Like a Champion,

I could not believe my eyes when I saw the box!

 but you really can! advertised as “the ultimate colon cleansing formula” or “the number one high fiber cereal for number 2’s”, Poop Like a Champion cereal is packed full of fibers and designed specifically to help you get those bowels moving. Its creators aren’t ashamed to admit that it’s not the greatest tasting cereal money can buy, but it’s not meant to blow you away with its amazing flavor, it’s meant to help you go potty, and apparently it’s very good at doing that, some research suggests it is a combination of corn bran and physllium, sorghum flour and inulin, and each 1/2 cup serving contains 16 grams of fiber, or about 64% your recommended daily allowance for an average 2,000 calorie diet,

all you need to know on the box, as mentioned flavor isn’t the strong point of Poop Like a Champion, and neither is looks, as it looks like dog chow and the fact that it tastes like cardboard doesn’t help much either, but you can always add some sugar and berries to make the taste bearable,

as it happens I can think of a few politicians I could give this product to, well they have enough of it coming out of the other end!

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