Thursday 15 August 2019

If In A Series Of Bizarre Circumstances,

you found yourself about to fall down an extremely high water fall,

the chances are you will die, the surface tension of the water and Mr. Gravity work both against you, it is like slamming into a brick wall, but you can give yourself a chance, with a waterfall the force of the water coming down breaks some of that surface tension and makes for a “softer” landing, that said, it’s still a highly dangerous endeavor, despite the waterfall providing some buffer, it still exerts tremendous force that once you fall at the bottom, you might get crushed by the falling water and drown, but this infographic by Art of Manliness shows the proper technique for you to land safely and propel yourself away onto dry ground, image credit Rio Hodges/Unsplash, note to self avoid waterfalls.

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