Saturday 22 August 2020

I Had Never Heard Of The Chichen Itza Chirp,

until today,

 apparently it is a mystery, as if the Temple of Kukulkan does not have enough mystery's about it, for one it is famous for being so precisely constructed that at the equinoxes, the sun striking one side casts an undulating shadow down the stairway that closely resembles a snake. In case you didn’t know Kukulkan, the “Plumed Serpent”, is a serpent deity, photograph Vinicius Kern/Pixabay, back to the 'Chirp', clapping at the base of the Mayan pyramid causes an echo that closely resembles a bird’s chirp. Do it repeatedly, or in a group, and the echos will sound like a chorus of ghostly chirps rolling down the steps of the impressive structures. It’s one of those tricks tour guides use to impress visitors, but it’s actually no gimmick,  

acoustic experts have been fascinated by the “Chichen Itza Chirp” ever since it was documented by an acoustic engineer in the late 90’s, but so far no one has been able to demonstrate if the architects of the pyramid designed it with the specific echo in mind, or if it was accidental,

Nico Declercq, an acoustic expert at Ghent University, in Belgium, was one of the many scientists who ventured to Chichen Itza to study the mysterious echo. After studying the architecture of Kukulkan’s Pyramid and performing various calculations and experiments, Declercq and his colleagues concluded that the architects must have known about the echo produced by the hollow chamber at the top, but they couldn’t demonstrate that they knew it sounded like a bird,

the fascinating thing about this special echo is that it is tied to the sound it follows. You only get a chirping sound if you clap at the base of the temple. If you beat a drum or scream, you get a different sound altogether, so it’s virtually impossible to know if the Mayans knew about the echo a clap would produce, or if they tweaked the design after its construction in order to get this specific sound, amazing!

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