Thursday 28 January 2021

With The Lockdown Still In Place,

travel is pretty much impossible, but,

hopefully situation that will end soon, and with that in mind, countries or in this case states are trying to attract visitors, behold Oregon’s hot springs, hiking trails, and sand-dune escapades “only slightly exaggerated.” An advertisement for Travel Oregon entertains that enhanced view of the western state as it paints it in a magical light, 

the promotional piece is the second ad for the tourism agency created by Psyop and Sun Creature on YouTubeand is issued with a playful reminder that Oregon is “a 100% real place you can visit.”

for those of us not traveling any time soon, the agency also released free downloadable stills from the animation to fulfil our wanderlust from home, what a neat idea, not only to download the stills, but the video as well, I wonder if any other states will produce a similar offering?

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