Monday 5 February 2024

I Have Always Known,

that there is a lot more ice under the water that you can not see when looking at a iceberg, 

but it was only when watching this video of a glacier breaking off and the bottom part coming to the top that I appreciated quite how much ice was unseen, the video is here on Redditthe location of this glacier isn't posted, but some redditors think it is Grey Glacier moving over Grey Lake in southern Chile, another thing that amazed me was the deep blue colour of the what was once underside of the ice, that part is where the ice is the oldest and most compressed and the air bubbles are squeezed out, so it contains more actual water than the whiter parts on top, apparently water in large quantities is blue, you can find a more detailed explanation at Wikipedia, but what an amazing video, talk about being in the right place at the right time!

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