Sunday 18 February 2024

Not That I Make A Habit Of It,

but when ever I look into any piece of electrics, 

image credit: Chris Ried/Unsplash the colour of the circuit board all of the bits and pieces are fixed on is always green, I wondered why, and now I know, thanks to Today I Found Outthe criteria for high contrast and reducing eye strain for inspectors resulted in a green board, initially, because of the resin, the boards were brown, and then they tried adding red and blue pigments which just resulted in first, a rusty colour, and then a darker brown, other colour combinations were tried, eventually they found a nice contrast by mixing blue and yellow pigments, which gave a dark green, satisfying the criteria for high contrast and reducing eye strain for inspectors, evolutionary biologists suggest that the reason why humans are more receptive to the green colour was so that they could navigate the forests and jungles back in the day, so our primitive ancestors helped the computer age we are in today! Fascinating, the article is here.

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