Wednesday 7 February 2024

I Was Out,

before Diana, 

a tad windy but not too cold, I should mention I am only making one post today, as soon as I post it I will be out to visit Duncan, 

back to Tuesday, off of the bus in Beckenham High Street, looking behind me, 

and in front on my way to,

Sainsbury's, I wanted to buy some more beetroot juice, apparently it is quite beneficial to drink, I was in luck it was back in stock, the last time I was here I bought the one and only bottle,

I walked to the shop, passing the entrance to Beckenham recreation ground, 

and soon arrived at Kingfisheries, I had a chat with Graham and Carl and dropped off some printing I had completed for the shop,

waiting at the bus stop on the other side of the road, the shops, 

collectively known as the Croydon Parade, 

off of the bus and through the park home, 

but on the way I spotted these,

in a grass verge where cars do not park,

a lovely stand of crocuses, 

some beginning to open,

others a tad more,

and some fully open, it is so nice to see them, spring is almost here! arriving home Diana was just leaving for work, next for myself the usual househusband thing, hoovering the flat, watering the plants, topping up the aquarium etc then I was on a mission, I did not have any music by Enrico Caruso on my telephone or indeed in my Microsoft music library, so upstairs and hunt through my CDs, I always buy a hard copy of my music, I hate the thought of paying for it and keeping it some where in 'space' and then find that if you can change something the music you paid for is not actually yours,

these I added to my computer, 

and then made a play list for my telephone, 

as it happens I am listening to the soundtrack of Fitzcarraldo, a wonderful film to watch as well as the fascinating story of how it was made, I have mentioned the film many times before, next a few quiz shows, after my evening meal a BattleBots, followed by a Outback Gold Hunter before a Midsomer Murder, Diana arrived home just before it finished, so a coffee and a chat, we then watched a Have I Got More News For You, before we were off to bed.

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