Sunday 19 May 2019

After Doing Something Remarkably Stupid,

70-year-old Leonard Olsen, 

allegedly said that he would rather “go to jail than go back home”, well, Olsen got his wish; he was taken to jail and is facing a misdemeanour charge for reckless driving, standing through the sunroof at high speed, Leonard Olsen tried to downplay the severity of his actions, saying telling police that “the car drives itself and has a gigantic computer in it” and that ” he thought it would be a nice way to praise God for a minute”,

a witness, who actually managed to film the bizarre stunt, said that at one point Olsen was just sitting on his sunroof while the car was still moving, he told troopers that he planned to turn himself in because he didn’t want to go back to his wife, “Mr. Olsen stated that he wanted to turn himself in to an ‘official’ and asked if he could turn himself in to me,” one of the troopers who stopped the 70-year-old man wrote in his report, “When asked ‘why do you want to do that?’ Mr. Olsen stated ‘My wife treats me like a servant and she’s the mistress and I’m tired of this s–t.'” what can one say? yes I know, is there  divorce lawyer anywhere nearby!

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