Monday 6 May 2019

Every So Often,

I read about various procedures,

 or exercises to give you a 'six pack' looking at the surgical procedures it is not without it's risks, apparently "defined abs" can be mimicked by using liposuction in a procedure called "abdominal etching." to give you an idea of the risks involved the authors of this report found an overall complication rate of 8.6 percent (206 patients). The most common complications were contour irregularities (71 patients), seroma formation (54 patients), hyperpigmentation (36 patients), asymmetry (18 patients), hypertrophic scar (15 patients), chronic induration (six patients), skin necrosis (four patients), and infection (two patients), but there is one other way to obtain the fabled sixpack, involving no restrictions on diet, no surgery and best of all no exercise, and here it is,
















the perfect six pack, thanks from reddit.

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