Monday 13 November 2023

As It Is Diana's Day Off Today,

 we will be out first thing on Monday, 

so only one post again today, back to Sunday, first thing I was out into a grey, wet day,

the leaves golden brown in many of the trees, 

I walked to the Beckenham War Memorial, for the remembrance Sunday service, 

groups of local youngster led the procession, 

making their way around the roundabout,

all traffic had been stopped for the morning,

by the memorial a brass band was playing, 

as members of the public made their way to the memorial,

the youngster assembled around the memorial, 

this chap was in charge of the sound system,

the event was lightly policed, 4 officers here, just a shame they positioned themselves where onlookers had their view blocked by them,

the local vicar and associates made their was to the memorial, 

and prayers for the fallen were said,

flags lowered in respect,

at this time there was a 2 minute silence, for remembrance and hopes for the future, 

next wreaths were laid,

from members of all ages,

in the community,

and services,

as the band played hymns, 

the wreath bearers made their way to the steps,

after which,

 some of the Kohima Epitaph was read, 

When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.

also some of the poem of Robert Laurence Binyon, "For the Fallen" was also included, 

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them.

the ceremony was well attended, 

will the youngsters of today allow the same mistakes as older generations that led to such appalling slaughters? hopefully not, 

the ceremony over I walked to the memorial,

and looked at the wreaths,

as the band started to put their instruments away,

in the small green by the memorial,

crosses in the grass,

Lest We Forget,

I made a short video of the band in this most solemn of days,

as last look at the memorial as I made my way home,

but a stop first, 

on the other side of the railway station,


outside a display for your front door,

which looked nice, a few things purchased,

and I was on my way past Foxgrove Lodge,

Diana had been cooking whilst I was out, so time for a sherry and a read,

and then our starter, 

lobster bisque soup,

followed by roast chicken, with gravy for Diana,

sans gravy for myself,


for dessert, mini Christmas puddings,

a touch of brandy, 

add a light, 

and hey presto!

it is alight, really, well the bandy was nice anyway as were the puddings,

and what did I buy in Waitrose? 4 panettones of course! I hope they are as nice as last years, then some bad news Diana had been asked to go into work for the late afternoon/evening shift, so after saying our goodbyes it was feet up for me,

 as I watched Total Recall, we had watched the film before, here is what I wrote then, 'no tongue in cheek story line here like the 1990 version, this was a real all out every thing in the effects department goes, having said that the story was so different from the earlier versions but instead of travelling to different planets the protagonists travelled to the other side of earth, but still a great film to watch', I followed that with a Poirot that I had not watched for some time, which I followed with,

Now You See Me, I had watched to before but it was good fun to watch again,

next The Battle of the Somme 2014, it was a documentary, a digitally restored version, with a newly commissioned orchestral score a recreation of original medlies and songs of the time, it was so interesting seeing so much material from the battle that I had never seen before, during which Diana arrived home, so we watched the rest of that before we were off to bed.

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