Tuesday 21 November 2023

We Listen To A Lot Of Music,

when we are seated at the table for Sunday lunch and some evening meals,

image Apple Music, I keep the tracks on my telephone, on it there is a play list of the most played 900 tracks, I was horrified to find so many on there were or have been banned! who would have thought that Peter, Paul, and Mary, could sing a song so vile that the then Vice President Spiro Agnew attempted to have the song banned? I now listen to “Puff the Magic Dragon” which was not about drugs with new respect, 

image Warner Brothers, but we are just as bad at this sort of thing in the UK “Ding-Dong the Witch is Dead” is from the soundtrack to The Wizard of Oz, released in 1939, but in 2013, the song surged to the number 2 position on the British music charts following the death of former prime minister Margaret Thatcher, it was then banned by the BBC claiming its success was a “celebration of death.”

image Wikipedia, perhaps the most controversial of all time, the Kingsman’s “Louie, Louie” throughout the 1960s, the song was banned and even investigated by the FBI because authorities believed that the song’s incomprehensible lyrics contained uncouth lyrics. The song still stirs controversy in the 21st century. In 2005, a high school superintendent banned marching band from performing the song over its lyrics… despite the fact that the band was planning to play it instrumentally, another favourite, 

image Sound Cloud, while many see John Lennon’s “Imagine” as an ode to world peace, but banned specifically for the lines about “no religion” and “no possessions”., in addition, the song was dropped from Clear Channel playlists after the 9/11 attacks, 

image YouTube, the clean cut crew were also banned, the Beach Boys, one of the sunniest and happiest songs of all time, but the truth is that when the song was first released in the 1960s, many people thought the use of the word “God” in the title was insulting. Because of this, a lot of radio stations in the US refused to play the song and banned it,

photograph The West Australian, another that so many liked in the film, “Greased Lightning” when the song was first published, a handful of radio stations banned it due to the language used in it, and now the most ridiculous reason for banning a song, because it was "too happy!",

photograph Decca, yes Louis Armstrong’s iconic “What a Wonderful World” was included on Clear Channel’s post-9/11-banned list because the song was too happy!, are there any songs the you like that have been banned?, have a look here for many more.


jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana-
Yes, Alley and I also listen to music, about 12 hours per day. I still have my 2001 IPOD that I change out the battery every 6 years or so, but it has about 3300 songs on it. Also downloaded this into my BMW X3 sound system so when we are rolling we still enjoy. We have avoided loss of songs by keeping them in house, just like you.
Banning songs like Imagine can't be good...just proof that the golden era is gone and now the liberals are running the crazy farm.
Glad we are able to preserve and enjoy all the tunes. Helps remove us from the current world that has been wrecked.
On a positive note, Thanksgiving here is on Thursday, so tomorrow we are in the kitchen making a vodka crust cherry pie, some special old time jello cream salad, and a few other goodies. We will be going to the neighbors along with another couple to have a big feast! Should be fun, and I do look back every year and am very thankful to have lived during the best of times! WE WERE BOTH LUCKY!!
Regards and Happy Holidays
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, firstly Happy Thanks Giving! great news that you have the celebrations all in hand, it is one thing to ban books, but music! I do despair at the mindset that some people and cultures are in banning music, but there it is, I guess we are to blame, even now certain groups freely use the Nig word in music and in public but we are not allowed to, freedom of expression indeed! best regards, Stan and Diana.