Saturday 10 February 2024

I Spent All Of The Morning,

and some of the afternoon posting the blog, 

Diana was at work so I decided to take things easy and watch a film, last in the Lord Of The Rings series, The Return Of The King, a feast for the eyes as far as special effects are concerned, I liked the first two and this one was no different, it was then time for my evening meal,

but first a read,

followed by a few left overs from last night,

'Cheers!', I watched a BattleBots before getting ready to go out to meet Steve,

a number 54 to the High Street, it was a wet night, not really raining, but the drizzle was enough to make you wet, 

on to a 227 to the Moon & Stars, unfortunately there was a crowd of rowdy youths in there, later in the evening a assault took place on one of the bar staff, 

the police were called, 3 patrol cars arrived but the guilty already had it away on their toes, hopefully CCTV will identify the attackers, a ambulance was also called, thankfully no knives were involved, but the young barman ended up with a broken nose and nightmares that will last for some time, we both wish him all the best, the downside was that everyone was asked to leave, we said our goodbyes as a 227 arrived, 

so for myself a walk home past the graveyard, I just beat Diana home, so a coffee and a chat it was as we watched a Have I Got A Bit More News For You 2, this show with the 2 at the end of it was a compilation of the 'best' bits from 2023, after which we were off to bed.


jpo5626 said...

Dear Stanley and Diana
Sad to hear about the incident at Moon & Stars. Like the US, seems to be more lawlessness there as well. Alley reports her Thai connections that live in London report advanced crime waves and more threats to local citizens, so you and Diana need to be careful you don’t become victims. We have started to avoid once popular area attractions that have become hotspots for crime and robbery here as being elderly, you are an automatic target. As more illegal and entitlement folks are around, so follows the increasing crime. Be careful and avoid those areas that are known hotspots!
We usually stay around our small town of 11,000 we live next to as 100% safe with NO crime. We have 43 armed, aggressive cops that fully enforce the law and keep the problems away so we drive into our small town without issues. (If you go 25 miles south into San Antonio-look out as the town of one million people has a huge crime problem. It is a tourist center with many attractions, so great pickings for the criminals!) Anyway Happy New Year and stay alert and safe!!!
John and Alley

PattayaStan said...

Dear John and Alley, it was the first time I have seen something like this, I had a strange feeling not to look for a table around this group, I am glad I found one away from them, it does indeed seem to be a sign of the times, in the newspapers' there seems to be a stabbing every day in London, but thankfully no knives were involved, it is a shame that they picked on a young lad working behind the bar, just trying to earn a living, as you say keep safe! best regards, Stan and Diana.