Thursday 2 March 2023

Many Years Ago Certainly In The UK,

a garage forecourt attendant would fill you car with petrol,

photograph Autofuel/Facebook, but now it is a 'help yourself' service, but all of that might soon come to an end, a Neste fuel station in Finland is currently the only place in the world where you can have your car refuelled by a robot. It’s the pilot site chosen by Autofuel to test its futuristic refuelling system, a robotic arm that can locate a car’s fuel tank door, select the right type of fuel, and operate the pump without any kind of human assistance, and it also can deal with all electric vehicles, “Our technology intends to provide the customers with maximum comfort and safety at gas stations,” Jonas Thor Olsen, CEO of Autofuel, said. “Manual refueling demands the driver’s attention or direct involvement for at least as long as the car is refueled. The Autofuel system requires no human involvement. It allows them to go to the shop for a coffee or take a short break while the car is refueled.”

there are a few small problems, as you might expect, in order for the entire process to work, one needs to have their vehicle registered with Autofuel, this means the the system recognises your car, delivers the correct fuel and takes payment, at this stage a lot of people are not willing to give card details, so will the idea catch on? I have to say it seems like a lot of work designing all of this for what now motorists accept as the norm, but with all eclectic cars the machine will plug itself in whist you can sit inside your car, but for myself I guess I would rather leave the car and grab a coffee, so I would have had to get out of the car anyway!

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