Saturday 24 June 2023

Keeping To An Indonesian Theme,

here is a Indonesian chicken,

photograph Kangwira/Wikimedia Commons, but not just any old chicken, this is a Ayam Ketawa, or the Indonesian laughing chicken, 

apparently the crowing of this chicken is remarkably to a human laugh, and watching the video it really is!

originating from Indonesia’s South Sulawesi province, the Ayam Ketawa was originally a status symbol for the region’s Buginese royal family, the breed’s name, Ayam Ketawa, literally translates to ‘laughing chicken’ the crow has made the breed famous, not only in Indonesia but around the world, it is believed that breeders crossbred various types of local chickens until they obtained the desired traits for a distinctive-looking and entertaining bird, it is estimated that the breed has been around for at least 350 years,

there are two varieties of laughing chickens, the dangut, which laughs in a fast, machine gun-like way, and a slow type that crows with a drawn-out staccato of four to twelve guffaws at a time, apparently, the dangut is the more expensive variety, with the most valuable specimens selling for tens of thousands of dollars, watching the videos I have to admit I almost started laughing myself!

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