Thursday 13 October 2016

Some Of These Pictures Might Seem Totally Abstract,

but they are not,

 they are all photomicrographs taken by by photographer Igor Siwanowicz, above is the foot of a male diving beetle, (Acilius sulcatus),
 the filaments of a barnacle,

 an Isopod appendage,

and one we have all seen before, the antennae of a moth, Siwanowicz works as a neurobiologist at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Janelia Farm Research Campus, the reason that these pictures are so highly detailed is that instead of using a normal a traditional lens-based microscope, he uses a confocal laser-scanning microscope, which can 'see' much more detail, for myself the images are just stunning, but I am guessing a microscope like this is a tad out of our household budget, so many thanks to Igor for sharing his pictures, you can see more of them here.

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