Saturday 7 July 2018

Music That Is Recorded,

is mixed using all sorts of electrical gimmicky, 

or recorded directly from a band or orchestra, but how do you un-mix it? say you want to learn a particular piece from an orchestra, how can you separate say a trumpet or violin? until now impossible, but not any more, a new artificial intelligence project from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) can extract and isolate individual instruments from a blended recording, or even a recording of a band playing together, the system, which is “self-supervised,” doesn’t require any human annotations on what the instruments are or what they sound like, from the web site:-

trained on over 60 hours of videos, the “PixelPlayer” system can view a never-before-seen musical performance, identify specific instruments at pixel level, and extract the sounds that are associated with those instruments,

take this example, it can take a video of a tuba and a trumpet playing the “Super Mario Brothers” theme song, and separate out the soundwaves associated with each instrument, this technology will be a boon to recording studios, remixers, I can see it being used in schools to help music students, which would be great if done in private, but humiliating in front of one's classmates, and now the real downside, what's the worst that could happen? someone will record a middle school band recital, isolate the worst player, and upload it to social media for laughs, Read about the program and its potential uses at MIT News, what a unbelievable piece of artificial intelligence, I have read and reread the article, it just defies description, the video above of what this does almost looks like an April Fools post, but it is not!

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