Saturday 9 May 2009

The Picture That Panicked New Yorkers, Cost The Taxpayers $328,835

and lost Louis Caldera his job! as I put on our blog of 28th April I could not believe that some one made the decision to fly a 747 over New York with a fighter escort, today Louis Caldera has fallen on his sword for doing so, (quote from the New York Post today) "The sight of the huge passenger jet and an F-16 fighter plane flying past the Statue of Liberty and the lower Manhattan financial district sent panicked office workers streaming into the streets on April 27, Obama said it would not happen again."

today I watched some home video's of people screaming and literally running for their lives, no disrespect to New Yorkers, it must have been a terrible experience for them,

and as I said in my post and I quote, "I wonder why with unlimited funds they could not have done it on a computer?"

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