Saturday 11 April 2020

Although Difficult To See,

one of the crows still tries to balance on the window sill,

 to take some of the nuts that the tits, blackbirds and Jays normally eat, it normally goes well for him, he has learnt how to land without crashing into the glass,

 the crisis arises when he tries to turn around, the sill is just that bit too narrow for him to turn,

 so down to the garden it is then,

 afternoon tea, but with sausage rolls today,

 in the evening our meal,

 spicy chicken for Diana,

 mince with peas and carrots, plus mashed potatoes for myself,

and nice it was too,


 for dessert creme caramel,

 and as it was Good Friday, we started on the Easter eggs,

well the fillings of Maltesers first, in the evening we listened to music, 

then feet up for our evening film, The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, great fun to watch, then for us we were off to bed.

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