Saturday 14 November 2020

I Am Sure We Have All Heard Of The Ill Fated Titanic,

and many of us will have seen the film,

and be familiar with the grand staircase, from the film or from old black and white photographs like these, but here is the thing, there are no original photographs of the original Titanic grand staircase!

every photograph like these that you have ever seen are of the staircase in her sister ship,

the Olympic pictured above with the Titanic, there is a third sister, the Britannic, as an aside, it too sank in tragic circumstances,

the fact is the only photographs of the original grand staircase in the Titanic were taken when in 2001, James Cameron and a group of scientists staged an expedition to the wreck of the RMS Titanic, and dived in Russian deep-submersibles to obtain more detailed images than anyone had before, 

the footage is featured in his 2003 documentary Ghosts of the Abyss, which I thoroughly enjoyed watching.

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