Monday 23 November 2020

This Is Not The Sort Of Christmas Card Scene,

that springs to mind, 

but in the UK at least, singers of Christmas Carols were not always well received, indeed some were arrested and appeared in court, whilst in one case a singer was actually shot! one correspondent wrote in October 1861, will be getting…  “their various mouths to every hinge, key-hole, letter-box, and opening of the doors and roar out in miserable discord (often two opposing companies together) names and events which all should hold sacred, the next moment running away with ribald jests, or cursing, swearing and quarrelling over the coppers they have received, as a tax to the nuisance”, another significate problem was that rival singer gangs would duke it out in the streets, for a look at this phenomenon for a not a very happy Christmas, have a read about the nuisance of Christmas carollers, including some accounts of violence, at News from the Past, 

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