Sunday 21 January 2024

As Soon As I Finished My Usual Start To The Day,

and Diana had left for work, 

always a good idea if I am going to make a mess to make sure Diana is not at home, guys will know what I mean! I decided to play with the Venus fly trap seed tray on the window sill, you may remember all of the kit arrived on January 9th. well I decided that the upturned small pots the tray was on were to low, meaning that a couple of rows did not receive any direct sunlight, at this time of the year the sun is still quite low, so remove the small pots and replace them with bigger ones so that now all of the rows will receive direct sunlight, 

which was easier said than done, as I moved the seed tray, the water in the gravel tray went everywhere except where I wanted it to go! luckily I had placed a big sheet of polythene on the floor, next hot glue gun at the ready to attach the bigger pots to the water tray, job done now all of the rows are in the sun, out with the hoover for the househusband bit, after which downstairs to bring in the communal bins, for some reason the dust cart did not arrive as it was scheduled on Friday, so Saturday it was,

back upstairs and looking out of the window at the trimmed hedge, there was a gap in the middle,

between each side, hopefully it will grow back and cover the bald patch that runs the length of the hedge, I watched a couple of documentaries in the afternoon, 

then time for a sherry and a read, I continued with Private Eye, and what a great read it is,

to accompany my evening meal a bottle of Grignan-les-Adhémar, Delas 2018, and nice it was too,

for my starter a couple of onion bhajees,

eyes down and tuck in,

I followed that with a chicken tikka masala with plain rice, 'Cheers!',

I then settled down for Lord Of The Rings, The Two Towers, I had of course viewed the movie before but it was nice to watch again,

next just as Diana arrived home before the next film, a coffee and a chat as we settled down to watch Demolition Man, great fun for all concerned, I particularly liked the part where Stallone finds out that a library was named after Schwarzenegger! a part of a real life rivalry, after which we were off to bed.

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