Monday 22 January 2024

I Had Always Thought That Heat Pumps,

were unsuitable for old buildings, 

images SWNS but that did not stop Aquila Diocese of Canterbury Academies Trust, which runs 16 schools in Kent who commissioned the heat pumps, the first one was installed at Kingsnorth Primary School in Ashford, Kent, it was a type of ultra-efficient gas boiler alternative designed to be more environmentally friendly, it was fitted in the summer 2023, all went well, until it got cold, Kingsnorth was first forced to close early on November 30 last year when gas and electricity stopped working and staff were unable to provide food for the children, a second failure followed just over a week later on December 6, forcing another all-day closure, with a third, fourth and fifth happening in quick succession on January 10, 11 and 12 this year,

parents have claimed they were only informed of these decisions with "random messages", one mum said, with another saying they were "getting annoyed" at the short notice, the Aquila Diocese of Canterbury Academies Trust, apologized for the issues and said it was working to rectify the issue by installing a power backup, the Diocese commented, “We have planned to install an additional power source for part of the new heating system so we can remove some of the electrical load from the school’s electrics and have the system fully operational as intended,” the spokesperson explained, so here you have it, fit heat pumps only if you can afford to also fit a power backup, why do we continue to throw ourselves into mounting debt of net zero just to please the tree hugging, green loonies, when the rest of the world ignores it? for the full story have a look here.

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