Sunday 21 January 2024

What An Unusual Collection Of Photographs,

known as a photo-multigraph,

all photographs found on Gods and Foolish Grandeur, they were popular at seaside and other tourist attractions, 

the "photo-multigraph" was promoted as a unique way to "see ourselves as others see us.”

but these souvenir booths had all but disappeared by the 1950s,

the method of using mirrors to produce a photograph with five simultaneous images of the sitter was first published in Scientific American in the 1890s. It was soon shared in the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Photography and in Photographic Amusements,

the method used was to have the subject facing into two mirrors which were placed at seventy-five degrees to each other, the resulting reflections and reflections of reflections produced a set of five equally spaced images,

what a neat way to have your portrait photographed, it almost seems a shame that the booths died out, but I guess with Photoshop anything nowadays can be made, although I would not have a clue as to how!

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