Tuesday 16 January 2024

Diana Was On Early Shift Today,

so when she arrived home,

in the afternoon, we decided on a walk out in the park,

we decided to walk towards Westgate Road, down the dip,

and up the others side to the small carpark,

at the end of the potholed Westgate Road,

a quick pose, 

and we started walking uphill,

except for a few dog walkers, we had the place to ourselves, 

wrapped up for the cold,

and we had to have a selfie, 

not a soul in sight,

a quick pose, 

a dog walker with the courtyard and café in the distance,

well I just had too!

at this point Diana made a short video of us walking towards the courtyard, 

and another one of me feeding a couple of crows, also I joked that there would be some swimmers in the lake,

all of the trees here sans leaves, it was still quiet chilly with lots of patches of frost on the grass where the sun had not melted it,

in a few months the cherry blossom here should be in flower,

up the steps, 

to the courtyard café, by the steps a few plants needed to be covered to protect against the frost,

I took a photograph as Diana queued for her green tea,

Diana arrived with her green tea and cake,

we had found a bench in the sun,

what a glorious day,

behind the bench a rockery,

I decided against a hot drink,


we made our way home past the mansion,

through the gates that stop cars from entering this entrance to the park,

to the snail mail box and home, in the late afternoon a quiz show before our evening meal after which it was a Antiques Road Trip which we followed with a film,

The Northman, a really enjoyable film of Vikings, the scenery and sets absolutely wonderful, a great almost I guess true life look at communities of the time, after which Diana went to bed, another early start tomorrow, for myself one from Have I Got News For You, then I too was off to bed.

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