Friday 26 January 2024

I Had A Busy Day,

whilst Diana was at work,

first thing out,

and into town, I had an appointment with our solicitor, 

after which a walk to Sainsbury's, I was going to exchange our CO2 cylinder in Penge but looking on the Internet Sainsbury's offered the same service, so it saved a trip to Penge and it was £2.00 cheaper here, result!

next on to the bus to Bromley, I wanted to pop into Lidl, to buy a few bottles of spiced rum and also some washing powder, it is so heavy for Diana to bring home,

I looked at a few of the stalls in the market square,

plenty of fresh fruit,

Diana mentioned we would be having the Cromer crab tonight, 

so I stopped here when I saw these, 

winkles, I had not eaten any of them for so many years, also Diana had never tried them in the UK

plenty of other seafood on offer, 

I continued past the aroma stall, and nice it was too,

bus back home where Diana arrived shortly after, in the evening,

our seafood supper, Croma crab with salad,

and boiled potatoes, bread, mussels, cockles and of course winkles, Diana was not so keen on the winkles, and it took a bit of effort with a needle to eat them,

so I ate the lot! after our meal a couple of Gold Divers: Under the Ice, back to back, we followed that with a Korean western, 

or you might see the film like this, in any event great fun, with so much action, many scenes a direct take from pervious spaghetti westerns, so violent at times but somehow it all seemed sort of acceptable, given the characters of the protagonists, we had never heard of it before, but it was fun to watch, after which we were off to bed.

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