Wednesday 1 January 2020

One Of The Many Television Series We Both Like,

is Mrs Brown's Boys,

creator Brendan O’Carroll, who plays formidable Irish housewife Agnes ‘Mammy’ Brown on the show, has announced that there are plans to cash in its global reputation with a new tour of a musical version called Mrs Brown’s Boys D’Live Show, the show seems to divide viewers into love it or loath it groups, and true to the programs nature, “Just change the damn channel,” Brendan commented, and here is the good news, Brendan O’Carroll wants to do an UK tour in 2021 “There are places in the UK that we don’t reach because we only do tours for 12 weeks,” he said. ‘In those 12 weeks you can’t get everywhere. We’ve never seen Mrs. Brown in Bournemouth, Hull, Edinburgh or Blackpool, so let’s do that. by 2021, Brendan is planning an international tour that includes five weeks in Australia, then one week in New Zealand, four weeks in South Africa, then five weeks on the east coast of America and five weeks in Canada, and in perhaps the strangest item of news about the so funny series is that it has been named the number one comedy in Jamaica, ‘Listen, Mrs Brown’s Boys is the number one comedy in Jamaica. People need to go out more’ commented Brendan, all I know is that we love it, if you have not looked at the show give it a try, you might like it, or not!

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